Friday, March 30, 2007
Oh What A Night...
Of course, I start to feel sick, so Isaiah and I pass out in bed, coughing sporatically throughout the whole night. Hubby had to go to work this morning, but luckily he was able to come home around 11:30. I slept most of the day, as did Isaiah, and I think we're both feeling a little better. Although Isaiah started crying as soon as hubby had to go to work again tonight, but, that wasn't anything a little ice cream couldn't cure!
So tonight, I may get around to sewing. Last night I had started making so more baskets, figuring maybe the margaritas would help, but apparently Isaiah had some other plans.
Anyway, I thought having a giveaway would make me feel better. It will be six sample fabrics from a bunch that I picked up from the thrift store. Each is about 9 x 7 inches, big enough to do some applique, scrap work, or you can fold one in a half to make a pouch. I have not washed them, or taken off the stickers, so if you win, you'll have to do that. Anyway, just leave a comment and I'll choose the winner monday or tuesday (probably tuesday haha). Happy weekend all.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Dear Martha

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
a bunch of gibberish

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I hate to brag..

Monday, March 26, 2007
winner and a birthday gift

So Karyn, please e-mail me ( your address and they will be on their merry little way to you soon!
Giveaways are fun, so I'm thinking I might do another one this week, so stay tuned!
Anyway, my weekend was very hectic, but fun. Friday afternoon we left to drive up to Rochester and it turned out to be one very long trip! Traffic around here on Fridays is always awful. It took us almost twice as long as it should to go from D.C. to Baltimore. Add to the mix that Isaiah decided to hold his poop in all day long and you have a lot of screaming in the car, present company included. So we didn't get in until 11:30 at night and by then Isaiah was wide awake and ready to play. Aggh...
The next day was a lot better. My parents were also in town and we went over to my mom's brother's to celebrate her birthday. I decided to make her a cute little tote bag, inspired by the lovely Alicia. Once I saw these bags I knew I had to make one. I know, not very original, but I really do like the way it came out. It's probably hard to tell from the pics, but those are pleats!

Now, I really have to share this story, so if you don't like poop, look away! As I mentioned, Isaiah was having a pooping issue, which he really never has. So we go to leave on Sunday morning, and of course, Isaiah had yet to poop. He actually fell right asleep the moment we got in the car, but an hour later, wakes up screaaaaaaaaming. We find a rest station, pull over and take him of the car. He's standing up, feeling better, and then I smell the suspicious odor. We go to change him, and I can't find the wipes. John runs to the bathroom for some toilet paper, and we change him, and it's a crapping huge poop. I mean like panda sized poop. I realize he's not done yet, but cover him with a diaper and he finally gets the second one out. So I'm waiting for John to go get some more T.P. and Isaiah started peeing... everywhere. I'm trying to cover him up, but it's just not working because I am laughing to hard. Oh, at this point, I should mention he his peeing on the driver's seat! After he's done peeing, he rolls over to stand up and almost steps on the poop! John comes back, looks at me and starts laughing. Poor Isaiah is crying because he's had a traumatic poop and now he is all wet. Twenty minutes later, fresh diaper and clothes, daddy sitting on pee and we're back on the road. We had to stop 2 more times to change poop! Luckily for those ones, I found the wipes, which happened to be right at my feet the whole time! At least Isaiah slept for the last 3 hours of the trip.... Phewwww..

Anyone else have a good car/road trip story?
Friday, March 23, 2007
My Lucky Day

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Martha Swap

and my partner sent me button magnets, wallpaper cards, memorabilia tin, and a teacup light.
Aren't they just too cute? This was my first swap and it was so much fun. I have now signed up for the Pink and Green swap and I can't wait to start looking for goodies!
And now for a random giveaway. If you look closely at the teacup lights I made, you will see two others in the background. I made extra because I thought they were so cute, but now since my partner sent me one, I suppose I don't really need it. So, I'd love to share "good things". Just leave me a comment and I'll pick a winner maybe tomorrow or the next day.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Some catching up to do...

We almost lost the cake to grubby fingers!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Thrift store jackpot

I had to stalk out-going customers for their cart so I could pick these two up! They are two McCall's magazines from the 1960's. I spent the rest of my day flipping through the pages, reading the adds and looking at the projects. Some of them are really cute, some not so much. There is even a whole section for Bazaar crafts. Let me tell you, I was cracking up reading that article. I guess back then Bazaars were big. Here are some of the things that I thought were so cute.
These are knit and are just too cute. I wish I knew how to knit, but I definitely don't have the patience for it. Aren't they just so springy?!? Does anyone want the directions for these? I'll be happy to copy them for you because I want to see these cute things made!
And then these are made out of felt and are stuffed. They look like a simple project, but isn't that how all us crafters get into trouble? Something like.."hmm, I could make that."
Here are the ideas for the Bazaar. There was another page, but I didn't take a picture of that one. I'll save that for another day.

These are some dresses you could knit or crochet for yourself for those warm summer months. On first inspection, they might be cute, but wouldn't you be sweating wearing them?

And finally, something that I just had to share. I can not even fathom drinking this. I mean, I love Dr. Pepper just as much as the next guy, but seriously, this?

Just in case you can't read that, it says Try Dr. Pepper Hot. Heat Dr. Pepper in a saucepan until it steams, pour into a glass over a thin lemon slice and serve piping hot! You could even write away for special Dr. Pepper mugs. Gross. I dare you to try it. I swear if anyone would do it, they'd get something special out of it. haha!
Did I mention that these two cost .60 each!?!? How exciting! I did walk away with some nice fabrics and trims, but I'll show those another day. Hope you enjoyed a walk back in time. I'll have to share more later.
Monday, March 19, 2007
I'm crafty

Halfway through the Wedding Bells, I had this cut out. Can you tell what it's becoming??

Ta-Da! It's March's In Stitches project!

This was my first project from Amy Butler's book, so I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Although I clearly messed up in matching up with tab with the front of the project. When I was cutting it out I thought for sure that it was going to come out right. I guess I didn't account for the tab's seam allowance and the width of the bag. Anyway, even in the wordiness of the directions, it was fairly simple and a reasonably quick project. I have yet to do the flower, so I might add that later. Next time I'll probably do it in a darker fabric. I'm not sure if I like the lighter one, but I had the intention of doing it in this fabric because it was so springy.
Has anyone else done some of the projects from this book? I got it for Christmas and I was just in love with all of the things in it. I was a little intimidated by all the directions and the way she has written them, but once I started sewing, I realized the thoroughness really helped. Plus, it's a good way to learn different techniques, at least for this sort of self-taught seamstress. (I say sort of because I'm not sure I can count my sewing lessons from 4-H back in the day! haha)
Now I'm dying to do another project. Maybe I'll go back and do one of the projects that I missed in the In Stitches -along. Hmm.. we'll see. Happy monday everyone and here's to hoping spring will come back (For those who don't have spring now)!
Friday, March 16, 2007
An Interesting start to the day
So with that background, here's how my day started. I'm up by 7am because Isaiah is awake, get him breakfast, and settle into watching some news (ok, it wasn't real news, it was E!News). Sean calls me at 9 am, and I think, hmm, that's weird, why is he calling so early.
Sean: "Did I wake you up?"
Me: "Are you kidding? I have a small child."
Sean: "Are you doing anything today? I need a really really big favor"
Me: "Sure, what do you need"
Sean: "This morning I go out in the pouring rain, and my tire is flat, so I change it and now my spare is flat too. Can you come pick me up and drive me to work?"
(hmm.. he lives across town, which would be major traffic, and his work is only 5 minutes from here."
Me: "Can you take the metro over here and I'll drive you to work?"
So, I start rushing around, getting Isaiah ready and I stop to think... hmmm Starbucks is near the metro. Great Idea! Get Isaiah dressed, me sorta of dressed in sweats, go and get my much needed coffee, and then off to pick up my poor cousin. Of course, this is happens to coincide with Isaiah's naptime, so he's all cranky until I get home. Anyway, that was an adventure. Later I have to go back and pick my cousin back up, but I don't mind. At least I didn't have to change a flat tire! Actually, I don't think I even know how.
Anyway, here's what I was originally going to post. Last night I made quiche for dinner. I love, love quiche. It's great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and the filing combinations are endless. Here's my recipe, which has been adapted from several cookbooks and my sister-in-law's recipe.
Spinach and Swiss Quiche
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups of heavy cream
1 package frozen spinach
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
8 oz grated swiss cheese
hot pepper powder, cayenne or ancho
Pie crust, make your own, or cheat like I did and use Pillsbury deep dish crust
Preheat oven to 425. Defrost spinach and squeeze all water out. This is important or you will have a very soggy quiche! Saute onions and garlic, seasoning with salt and pepper. Meanwhile, sprinkle crust with a pinch of nutmeg and hot pepper, so that it looks like this:

Add spinach to onion and garlic and cook 1 minute. In separate bowl, mix eggs and heavy cream. Season with salt and pepper, then add 1 pinch (1/8 teas) of nutmeg and hot pepper. Sprinkle with cheese and then add spinach mixture. Place crust on a baking sheet covered with foil. This is the best way to do it because it will make spills easy to clean and if the crust is getting browned you can wrap foil around the quiche. You can sprinkle a little more cheese on top, then slowly add the egg and cream mixture. It'll look like this:

Here are some other combinations that are really good. I'd love to hear yours if you have any!
Spinach and feta: Follow recipe as above, substitute feta for swiss, add 1 teas oregano
Broccoli and Cheese: Add 4 slices of bacon crumbled, 1 head of broccoli, chopped and cooked with onions. Use sharp cheddar cheese instead of swiss and 1 pinch of red pepper flakes.
Italian style: Slice 1 large roma tomato and let rest on paper towels. Add a combination of good quality parmesano-reggiano cheese and asiago cheese to bottom of crust. Layer tomatos and fresh basil leaves. Add italian herb mix to egg mixture.