My little boy turned 4 on Saturday and we had a robot themed party for him. Over the summer (or fall, can't remember), I found a bunch of robot party supplies on sale at target and just snatched them up. I spent our snowed in week dreaming up of robot themed ideas and had so much fun. Thursday night I stumbled up
this blog post and decided that I needed to make a robot pinata. I'm glad it came out so great because I was really kicking myself Friday night for starting that project.

I also find the cake idea at cookie magazine although Isaiah requested a blue robot, so we went with that instead. It came out looking a little purple, but he didn't mind. I made this cake from Smitten Kitchen and topped it with Swiss Meringue buttercream. It was sooo delicious and surprisingly pretty easy. Although I should mention that I made a batch of buttercream on Friday night using Martha's recipe from her baking book and it did not come out well, so I had to make another batch (this time using the SK recipe) on Saturday morning. I learned what worked best for me was to continue using the whisk attachment on the kitchenaid instead of switching to the paddle attachment like Martha suggested.
I also placed all the food in tin foil containers and put snacks for the kids in muffin tins. It was really cute but of course I forgot to take pictures of it.
My sister also made a pin the heart on the robot game but the kids were so busy playing that they didn't want to do it. It didn't all go to waste though because the adults were all good sports and we played instead. Of course I don't have a picture of this either, so I'll have to see if someone else got one.
All in all, it was a great time. It's so fun being the mama to this sweet boy and getting to watch him grow. I am also so thankful that John was able to be here for another one of his birthdays. He was in the hospital Friday during the day and went back in on Sunday, so the fact that he was able to be there with us was amazing. And as an aside to that, thank you again for all your words & prayers for John and I. We really appreciate your support!