Well things may get a little boring around here with the Use What You Have Challenge. I've been whipping up tote bags because they're so easy and simple. I may have to move onto another project soon.

Ms. Rebecca, of
Thrifty Goodness, was a sweetheart and designed this graphic for our challenge. So feel free to use it and put it on your page.

You can right-click or here is the
url. I hope mine came out ok on my page. It's a little small, but at least it's there. I should have paid attention in my html class in college. I couldn't pay attention in that class. My teacher's name was Sam Butz and he always said .edu funny. Kinda like " dot eee deee oooo." Ah, it still makes me laugh.
I had some thrifting success on Saturday. A 2 full bags of rick-rack and some yummy bindings.

Actually one bag had this entire roll of rick-rack.

Now before you go saying "But Katie, what about your challenge!?!?" I don't plan on keeping these, I'll add some more goody bags to etsy. But, I can't promise 1 or 2 won't mysteriously disappear into my stash. At least I didn't buy any fabric or sheets or pillowcases. And believe me there were some good ones. So I hope you're not rolling your eyes at me!! Hee hee. I'm showing some major restraint since this challenge began, but then again, it's only been a week.
A button! Yay! I love buttons!
Glad to see you bought some trim! I don't think I could pass up any trim in the thrift store - it's so much harder to come by than fabric and sheets! And you've given me a good idea - at the end of this, I'll sell some of whatever is left (because I'm sure they'll still be plenty!!) and then have all new thrifting and fabric buying adventures. Wow - that was a long comment.
I like the button! Definitely going to add it to my blog:)
Aaah, rick rack heaven!
The button is amazing. I'll have to figure out how to add it later. What a find on the trim!!! And according to our own rules, trim is fine as long as it helps use up some of the stash :)
Also...the tote is wonderful.
Maybe it's me, but when I click on the link for the button I get an error page.
You are forgiven, because it would be a sin and a crime to pass up trim at a thrift shop!
Alrighty. I just joined the group. I feel kind of bad bc I just bought some fabric, but it was before I saw the challenge! So I'll be a good girl from now on and "use what i have!" Of course it's my b-day next week so I could get gifts of fabric...geez! :)
I plan to join. I'm just finishing up some other very important WIPs before my hubby returns on Saturday. I will reveal them on Friday (I think), as he is supposed to be graduating and flying home that day and too busy to see my blog. I hope.
(Love the rickrack. You really are a lucky thrifter.)
LOL yeah, I'm rollin' my eyes at those bearly passable purchases. That new banner is totally spiffy and if I can somehow manage to figure it out I'll TRY to get it up this week. If only my college HTML fellow had been funny, then maybe I would have paid attention. :)
And hey, this is a shout out to those slackers. Come on!
heading out over to check out links right now! love the tote babe!
Ric-rak isn't fabric, so I guess you're safe!
Wow, I'm always so amazed at what you find at your thrift store! How in the world do they end up with so much craft stuff? Do you live in a particulary crafty area? :) I visited my local thrift store with your successes in mind, and they didn't have anything crafty at all! Guess I better try some others.
Oh, and I'm going to join the group for this challenge too! I just need to find the time for making the stuff. :)
SOrry to be a problem, but I can't come up with the URL and i don't know how to convert the picture to a usable URL. Can you help me? :)
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