500 5" squares look like. They weight 2.25 lbs and all but about 3 of them are prints. I didn't realize that most of my stash consists of prints. I hardly have any solids. I hope the people receiving these like a lot of prints! I'm so glad the cutting is done, and now I get to wait for the good part. Receiving 450 new fabrics! I think I'll use some of these to make some other doll quilts. Since starting my little quilt, and seeing this wall of quilts, I've decided I want my own wall of quilts! We'll see how far I get on that.
Now, I was thinking of perhaps organizing a very small, quick swap. I have a lot of 5 in squares left over because I found cutting in 4's was the easiest. It also left me with some pieces slightly bigger and smaller than the 5 in. So, I was thinking maybe a swap in which we fill up a flat rate box with scraps, trims, bindings, ribbons, etc. Basically, you could send whatever you want, as long as they are usable scraps, i.e., bigger than say, 2-3 inches. Anyway, if anyone is interested, leave me a comment or e-mail me. I won't be able to get to the details until next week, but I'll be able to answer any questions you have.
Tomorrow I'll be basking in the sun at the Yankees game, hopefully watching them beat the Mets! Last year was the first time I didn't go to a Yankees game since I was a little kid (darn you Isaiah!) So I'm super excited, and this is a great father's day gift for my Dad and John (although, John is definitely not a fan of the Yankees). Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend.
I never would have guessed that all that fabric would weigh that much! I can't wait to see what you get in return!
Nutt'n like baseball in NY! Miss it! Although, the Dogers are fun too.
That surprises me that the stack isn't taller. It sounds like more than it looks. Although, when cutting, I'm sure it was a lot. I would not want to do that. You are one brave lady.
i'd be into a swap! i have lots of useable scraps that somehow don't get used by me! keep me in mind! my email is lindsey892 {at} aol {dot} com.
Wonderful! That must have been quite a job, even at 4 layers at a time!
I'm up for the swap! (Does this count as "use what you have"??? No, didn't think so...)
WTG, Katie! I bow down to your fabric-cutting greatness. A swap sounds like fun but I donated mine to someone's daughter for a fundraiser and have none to swap! Wah!
I definitely think you should try for your own little wall of quilts! I love that idea!
That is a lot of fabric you had to cut out... I am not sure I would have had the patience for that:)
ooh! ooh! i want in on the swappy action! oooh!
Wow! That's a lot of cutting but I thought the stacks would be taller...
Love the idea of a swap - I see them online alot but have never been in one. I think I'd like to give this a go though, it sounds like fun!
holy crap!! i thought that would look like more! i can guarentee that mine would be a lion's share of prints as well!
Hi Katie! Glad you got it done...sorry it was a lot harder than it sounded at first, but hopefully in the end we'll all agree it was worth it ;-) Hope you had big fun at the game!
Oh my gosh, I'd be in for the swap. Although, a flat rate box full is a buttload of fabric.
450 new fabrics... wow!
I would like to be in on the swap. I'll look forward to hearing from you.
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