I'm loving all this hand sewing, but I'm really feeling it in my fingers and elbow. The outcome is worth it though. This is my first time attempting a project like this and I'm learning along the way. I have a lot of stitches showing, some gaps, and some skewed fabric. I know if this were going to be a bigger quilt, that I wouldn't notice these things. But since it is so small, I'm noticing every single little detail and it's driving me nuts. Hopefully I'll be able to fake it when I quilt it. If I ever get around to that!

On the cutting front, I have to cut out of 24 more fabrics. The great thing about this swap is I get to rediscover all of my fabrics. I feel like I keep buying new ones, and I neglect the ones that I have had forever. And I'm really having no problem finding 50 fabrics to cut either. So, apparently I am a real fabric hoarder. Thank goodness for swaps!
Oh, a few weeks ago, I got a scrap pack from Posie, and it had this fabric in there. Only a teeny piece though, and I'm wondering if anyone has one that looks similar to it, or the exact one. I'd love to swap with you for it, or even just buy it from you if you do. Just leave me a comment or e-mail me.

You're really coming along on that quilt top. And cutting out those squares for you swap. No wonder your hands and arms ache.
It's beautiful! You're making a lot of progress.
That is looking super so far!! Is this a project that I need to bring to the cottage with me in July when we go on vacation and I'm separated from my sewing machine??
It looks really cute! I might have to start a project like this too, because my sewing machine is probably going to the "doctor" tomorrow.
It looks great! I really like the combination of fabrics you have chosen! Have a great time in NY this weekend. :)
Wow! Is that tedious or what? Maybe I should try that some time!
It looks wonderful! Such scrappy fun :)
Oh my gosh, it's so cute I'm almost tempted to make one on my vacation to the Cape next month.
Looks great!! Wish I could help you with the fabric. I have it with a purple background.
that is really something katie! i am not a big fan of isolating myself in order craft when my hubby is at work at night. makes me want to take up knitting.
Wow, you are really making progress. It looks fantastic! Have fun in New York!
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