Friday, October 31, 2008

A giveaway for two

EDIT: Winner has been chosen. Thanks for playing!

It's officially been two years since I started this little blog. I've never felt more inspired or creative in my life since I became part of this wonderful community. On a daily basis, there are always new ideas, projects, and even more inspiring blogs. I've met some great people here, and even had the chance to meet a few in "real life." I am always amazed at the support and encouragement that you all provide, and for that I am very thankful. I promised a giveaway, so here it is. Since this is primarily a sewing blog, although you wouldn't know it these past few days, I've decided to giveaway fabric. Big surprise, right?
Well, not just any fabric, but some of my favorite prints from people like Amy Butler, Sandi Henderson, and Erin McMorris. I will fill a flat rate box with as much fabric will fit. There might even be some vintage fabric in there too. These are just a few samplings of what is already making it into the box. So how do you win? Well first by leaving a comment mentioning a new blog that you think I might like. If you'd like to "earn" more entries into the contest, post about this giveaway on your blog with a link back to it in your comment, and you'll receive 5 extra entries. Plus, you'll receive an extra entry for every person that you refer that mentions that they came here through your blog. I'll pick a winner on Wed Nov 5. Good luck!

Tomorrow is my craft fair, so wish me luck with that. If you are in the D.C. area, it is at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad from 12-6. Also, a big thank you to everyone who posted they could read this blog through google reader. It really helped me out!


1 – 200 of 265   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Love the fabric. I have no quilting blog, but I still wanted to have at least once chance to get it! :) :)


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous fabric, But im in the uk. Live the blog x

Anonymous said...

Hi, I would love to win some fabric. Here is where I linked from my blog.
Hope you get lots of entries!

molly | said...

I just saw your tweet about your contest and had to come enter. I feeling bored with my stash lately and that birdy print fabric is KILLING me!!!!

Blogs you might like:
blair's blog:
melissa's blog:

~Michelle~ said...

I'm shameless - count me in! Cute fabrics, anything I can do to try to get more fabric in the apt to annoy the hubby is just plain fun for me! Blogged here:

~Michelle~ said...

Did my comment take? Not sure, if so, I apologize for 2 comments...but I forgot to mention a blog I like...

Old Red Barn Co

She gives away the most beautiful quilts!!! So crazy, I don't know how she can bear to part with them!

But in case the 1st comment didn't make it, I blogged about the giveaway here:


Marissa said...

I have a blog! I've been blogging on my personal blog about all the crafts I do and realized I needed a separate one so it's fairly new. It's called if you would like to check it out. It would be lovely to have some followers other than family. I hope I win I love all that fabric in the pictures.

Terri S said...

Congratulations on your two year anniversary. I mentioned your giveaway on my blog at http:/

I've been blogging for just over a month, so I guess I qualify as a new blog for you to read!! I'm loving all the inspiration I'm getting from all the quilting/sewing blogs I've come across, yours included.

Trisha said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! Yummy fabric! Here is one of my favorite blogs...

Unknown said...

I just found this blog (and I may be living under a rock)

But I love it OH SO MUCH! She gives me endless inspiration.

(Oh and I posted about your giveaway on my blog as well as pleading people mention my blog when they comment!)

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

Congrats on two years! Here's two blogs I've really enjoyed lately:

Lynne said...

I love your blog. You always inspire me! I hope I win!


Blondie said...

What a great giveaway!

You might like Quilt Dad:

Cami said...

What great fabric! I posted about your giveaway here on my blog.

As for a new blog that I think you would like, I really like this one called I heart linen.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I would love some fabric, thanks for the chance.

One my most favorite blogs is Simply This That and the Other. (

I'm sure you will love it too.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

The Stitching Surgeon said...

congrats on your blogiversary! isn't blog land great??? i also get daily inspiration from the blogs i read. one you might like (and may already have heard of) is JC Handmade at another of my favorites is some of a kind at Please enter me in your giveaway. I will post about your giveaway on my blog tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on two years!! That's exciting! Zebra Knits ( has all kinds of beautiful quilting and knitting adventures! Also, I posted about your contest on my blog!
By the way, in the last picture, I adore the fabric with the birds in the trees!!

LeeAnn said...

What an awesome give-a-way! Ever heard of It's one of my favorite time wasting websites. :)

Rebecca said...

don't know if this is new to you or not, but one of my new favs is A quilt is nice:

Christie said...

What a great giveaway! Congrats on two years of blogging. I love those fabrics. Sandi Henderson is one of my absolute faves. I would love to win!

I linked to this giveaway on my family blog. You can see it here:

And I think you might enjoy The Secret Stitch Club blog. Check it out!

Anonymous said...

Hi & congrats on your two years! I posted a blog about your giveaway & I would recommend this blog to you;

Tracy said...

Congrats on making it two years!! Can't wait to see who wins... :)

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday, Katie! You were one of the first people to ever comment on my blog and I have enjoyed reading and corresponding ever since. Thanks for being such a wonderful bloggy friend!

I think you would enjoy my friend Dawn's blog,

Anonymous said...

beautiful fabric. congrats on 2 years. i'm working on 1 year tomorrow.

Netter said...

I'm adding you to my bloglines, right this very second! I found you via link from Michelle's blog and thought I'd take a gander. I've been blogging on my current site since April of 2005. I'm the kind of person that likes to try her hand at lots of different things, right now, I'm learning to quilt. I'm hooked. I already have 5 new projects in mind...I just have to find the right fabrics, you know how that goes.

I have been lurking at a a fun site...
I just adore her fabrics.

I'm going to add a link to your site. Congratulations on your Two Year Blogiversary. May you have many, many more.

Angie from Dear Spring Green said...

I am thinking *again* I need a blog! Oh well, one chance for me! I really love looking through the archives of
she has so many wonderful ideas!

:) Congrats on two years!

Heather Bower said...

I thought I'd check out your blog just because I saw it on my friend Christie McMillans blog. You're blogs great congrats on 2 years, yeppie.

(Her blog is

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am a quilter and new to your blog. But wanted to enter the contest. Those fabrics are to die for!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am a quilter and new to your blog. But wanted to enter the contest. Those fabrics are to die for!

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog, congrats on two years! You can check mine out at

With all the holidays coming up, I'm finding myself visiting this one a lot, too:

LOVE the fabric!!

~k said...

Wow...two years already, can't wait to see what is next!

I really enjoy the Cre8tive Quilter blog, she really inspires me :)

audreypawdrey said...

Happy blogiversary! Two of my daily reads that I really enjoy are:

Sue said...

Oops! I forgot to tell you that I came here through this blog-

Anonymous said...

Good luck at the show!! I'm sure you'll do great.

And you are so sweet to do such a nice giveaway! Love the blog!

sewjaneen said...

I found you through
I just love fabric and reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on yor two year! I came over from Cami's blog ( and really like your work. I'm always looking for new inspiration. Hmm, blog you might like? I'm enjoying Fat Quarter Shop's new blog:
They've had some great quilt market posts and they always seem to be the first to get new fabric (and have great posts introducing it).

A life of Assorted Nuts said...

Oh, pretty!

I love

I read it every Sunday, religiously.

bettyninja said...

Oh I love these fabrics! Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! I have a crochet blog but have been bitten hard by the sewing bug! I need to have a yarn give away on my blog to make room for fabric. Craft on!

Andrea said...

Wow I am drooling over the thought of that box making its way to my house. I think you might like this blog:

It is beautiful and a fun combination of crafting, cooking, and traveling. Lots of fun little information.

Katherine said...

Congrats on your 2 year mark!!
I saw this on:

I am posting on my Blog..

What a great giveaway :0)

Katherine said...

I forgot to mention the blog I thing you would like.....
My friend Abbie's is great...

and mine of course *chuckles*

Hannah said...

I tried to comment a minute ago but I don't know if it got deleted or submitted so I'll try again... sorry!

Love the giveaway!!

Here is a blog I love:

I also linked to your giveaway on my family blog for some extra entries:

Thanks for the giveaway...I hope I win!!


Anonymous said...

I found out about your blog from and I think you'd like



Anonymous said...

I heard about your blog from and I think you'd enjoy

Thanks, Chardell

Angela said...

I love your blog. I also was part of your vintage sheet square swap which was really fun. I have really been enjoying some of the patterns and ideas from this blog:

I'm working on the bird mobile right now.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on two years! Hope your craft fair goes well. :)
This is a great blog:

Anonymous said...

Wow this is GREAT. I so would love to win..
Thanks for doing this..
Terri E
Ventura Ca

Anonymous said...

How special this would be to have. Fun Fun ...
Have a great weekend.
Amanda E
Long Beach Ca

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I have enjoyed reading your blog... one blog I really enjoy reading is called Stop Staring and Start Sewing! Very good blog.

Alissa said...

Wow! What a generous give away! Congrats on two years!

Do you know:
She makes AMAZING quilts!

I blogged about this give away here:

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

Ilove the fabrics you've started filling the box with! Handmade by Alissa is where I first heard about the giveaway. I am ALWAYS looking for new blogs to add my my Google Reader list. There are so many that i've found lately, but some one i've enjoyed reading for awhile is Tallgrass Prairie Studio: I'm sure i'll be posting about this giveaway on my blog this evening...but don't count those chicks until there 5 month old takes away a lot of my "free" time these days.

Tara said...

I just ran into your blog from where she mentioned this giveaway!! I fell in love with sewing after following and she is the most fun =)
Tara T

Sherri said...

What an amazing giveaway! Such wonderful fabrics! I'm new to your blog, so I'll give you my blog to check out:
Okay, now I'm going to go read your older posts!

Allison said...

Hi, I have a new sewing/craft blog, And I will put a link to your give away on my post, Thanks, I love your blog! Allison

Tim said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. My wife is doing a bunch quilting for fundraiser but I do have any photo on my blog yet. Here is another sewing blog you might like.

Take care Tim

Amanda Jean said...

congrats on 2 years of blogging! my two year blogging anniversary is tomorrow. ;)

I came her via handmade by alissa.
I'd recommend her blog, and another one is:

p.s. how are you going to part with such beautiful fabrics???

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the 2nd anniversary of your blog. That sounds like a very generous giveaway! I am new to your blog, thanks to a link from Handmade by Alissa. I love the projects featured by JCasa at

Jessica Levitt said...

Congrats on 2 years!

I would be remiss if I didn't mention my own blog:
but also check out fo you don't already read it.

FeatherBunkle said...

Oh, how exciting to have reached two whole years! What a milestone! One of my favorite sites is where Jona encourages you to Stop Staring and Start Sewing! It's cute and the things that she makes are ALL lovely! I need to go through all of the comments and check these sites out; I have already looked at several and think I'm going to be hooked on Quilt Dad--how neat to follow his quilting adventures!
Well, best wishes to you for many more years of quilting!

The MacMizzles said...

congrats! Love your blog, and I too share a fascination for all things sewing and fabric!

Sarah C said...

One of my fav blogs to visit is One Shabby Chick at

I hope that you like her site.

This fab giveaway is so great. I was looking through all of your posts and laughed when I say the white with green polka dot fabric in another one of your posts =)

I am so inspired by your story. My MIL just entered recovery from stage 4 lymphoma. It was so scary, I cant imagine having my own husband go through that. Please know that our thoughts are with you.

Michaela said...

Thanks for this generous giveaway.
I love all of those fabrics...
I'll share with you blog I just discovered yesterday (I've been reading archives oday as well)

I just started blogging this July, so it is fairly new blog as well.
I'll post about your giveaway tomorrow.
Oh, and just to be fair. I learned about this giveaway from

Geek+Nerd said...

I'm pretty in love with right now :) Thanks for stopping by my blog. I made my own cheese today for the first time! I failed dismally at making mozzarella, but I have some damn good ricotta :)

Kalah said...

I heard about your giveaway from Tracy - Nice fabrics you're giving away!!

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog, but rest assured that I'll be back to look time and time again. Love your work.

I looked through the comments and looks like all the blog I love are already mentioned, so I guess you could have a look at mine. It has crafts and growing stuff.

Marianne said...

Hey! Come on over to my new blog you'll like it,

Hope your craft show went well!

carrie said...

Oh, congrats on the 2 years! How fun. Ok, count me in. Katherine over at handmade-o-holic told me about this. And I blogged about it over at


Cathy said...

I absolutely love the colors. I have been stuck in the autumn colors and I could really use some brightness in my life.

One of my favorite blogs is:

And of course I will mention your blog on my blog:

Happy Anniversary

Anonymous said...

I found a very interesting blog that I think you would like. go to impulsivearts.typepad/com/knitting/

I also mentioned your give away on my blog

Thank you

Jessica P said...

Well I came here from Handmade by Alissa, who has fabulous taste, and I guess I can tell you about my new blog.
I will put a post for this giveaway in it, but I don't think anyone reads it as of yet. I have been building up my blog resources these past weeks and have found some awesome blogs. I will slowly add them to my Inspiration on my own blog page.

Anonymous said...

I linked to you in today's post over at

As for another blog you might like, hmmm.

I dig pinkchalkstudio, sewmammasew, and you could check out my blog :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Bogiversary. I saw your blog through one of my favorites: One you might enjoy as well is You are all very talented women and inspire me as well! I'm sorry I don't have a blog myself but would love the opportunity to win your's beautiful and I would love to make some quilts and other baby accessories for my daughter! Thanks, Jody (

epban said... is a blog I found recently. Congrats on your anniversary and a great blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I saw your blog through one of my favorites: One you might enjoy is You are all very talented women and continue to inspire me! I don't have a blog myself but would absolutely love the opportunity to win your fabric as I have a little baby who is in need of some quilts!!! Thanks!! Jody (

Ashley Ann said...

Happy anniversary! Can I shamelessly recommend my own blog? It's the only one I know of as "new," and I can't get to my usual blog reader as it's on my not-working laptop! Anywho, stop on over. I'm going to go link to your give away now!

Anonymous said...

I'm supporting CBEar in her entry. Cruised here from her blog

Hope she wins!

Alana Jo said...

Consider me entered!! Great giveaway!! Oh, and Congrats on making it 2 years!!! I think you may like my blog. Its all about being thrifty!

Alana Jo said...

Yay! 5 More entries!! Woo Hoo!!!

I blogged about your giveaway!

Oh and I forgot to mention, I found this from Dixie Mango.

Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...

I heard about your giveaway through artsymomma.
A site that I have recently come upon is blempgorf. She quilts and makes the tastiest-looking cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

oh me! I want in!

I am a new quilter and blogger, is it alright if I post my own blog?

I'm going to post about this giveaway too.


Bunny B said...

Ooooh! Congrats on your blogoversary!
You might love this blog:

Linking you up!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...

Linked you!

bunnybx at gmail . com

tarabu said...

Ooooohh fab fabric - I love it!
I just found and she's a hoot!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for entering me!

I found your blog through Alanjo's blog (Nifty Thrifty), and I am placing a link to you on my blog,


tarabu said...

Oh, and I've added your contest to my blog (which only has three readers, but then again, I've not been doing this for quite as long as you have!)

Cream said...

Previous comment I don't think went through.

Enjoy your site and congrats on your two years.

I'm new to blogging and posted your giveaway at

One of my favorite blog sites

Jennadesigns said...

I also love your blog! Especially seeing all the items you make with beautiful fabric and linen (a favorite combo of mine!) Congrats on your milestone! I'll be continuing to read!

MaMa said...

Here are two blogs that I really like. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I could sure use some new fabric.
mistyfuji [at] yahoo [ dot] com

Anonymous said...

I think you'd like this blog:

YayaOrchid said...

I'd love a chance in the drawing!
I don't know if this one has been mentioned, but I get inspired with "Sew Liberated" blog. Meg always has funtastic stuff up.

Joy said...

Happy 2 years to you! Always enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for a fun giveaway!
I think that you might enjoy reading Daisyeyes she is always up to something crafty and does some great embroidery.

jacquie said...

congratulations!! that's a big occasion and you, my dear, know how to celebrate. Alissa, of handmade by alissa sent me. check her out. here's my link. hope you get lots more folks coming by. i'm glad alissa helped me find you.

stitchsmith said...

Happy blogiversary! Jacquie from sent me over here. I'm definitely adding you to my blogfeed!

Anonymous said...

My daughter just started sewing and she would love those fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win.


p.s. Jacquie sent me.

Heather said...

Fun giveaway. Here's a (non-sewing)blog, that I find really entertaining.

Stephanie D said...

Happy 2nd anniversary! Jacqui from TallGrass Prairie Studio sent me, and I am glad she did. Nice fabrics!

A couple of my favorite blogs: Blue Yonder (not a quilter, but mom to 3 little boys and always a good read):; and BooMama--the woman just cracks me up!

Pam's Pride said...

I heard about you from JenMarie! Gorgeous Fabric!
I linked you up to my blog!
Thank you for entering me!

Here is another blog you might want to check out:

angela said...

Oh man! I have two weaknesses....chocolate and fabric. I learned of your giveaway from The Stitching Surgeon and I couldn't resist leaving a comment. I tried, but alas, I am weak. And, seriously, you'll love the blog You've got to check out her Selvedge Dress!!

Nichole said...

maybe you'd like my blog....?

p.s. jacquie at tallgrass prairie studio sent me :)

Kristin said...

There are a lot of great blogs being suggested here! I like Crazy Mom Quilts - she does great free motion quilting work and improvisational piecing:

Val said...

I would love to be in your give away. I found you through I will post a link with your picture of fabric on my sidebar.

Katie R said...

Good Luck! The fabric is amazing. Thanks for being generous!

Anonymous said...

you might like my blog.

Anonymous said...

Just started blogging very recently and am having so much fu. Pick me please, Jannie All the blogs are new to me

Erika said...

OMG! You have a great giveway! I think one of my favorite blogs is this
she is great! Jaquie at

told me about the give away and I will post it on my blog


Marie' said...

Jacquie sent me here. What a great giveaway!

Mary Beth said...

Great Fabrics! Thanks for the info, Jacquie at tallgrassprairestudio!

Patty said...

Hi, I heard about your blog and your fabric give away from Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie Studio.

My blog recomendation is:

This lady is very talented and I just love looking at the quilts she creates.

Kerry said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BLOGAVERSARY! Found the link on Jacquie's blog - Tall Grass studio. A new blog - well have you checked out mine? My latest find is . You might like a look there. Anyways congratulations, would love to win so please include me in the draw.

jenny said...

congrats on the anniversary!

Dee said...

Love your blog. Happy bloggerversary Too!!! I am going right now to put your link on my blog. Feel free to check it out.
Love to be in the draw for this wonderful fabric. Kind regards, D :=)

Mary said...

wow wonderful fabric super blog. Count me in even tho I don't have a blog. Thanks

Tine said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! I heard about it from Jacquie at tallgrass prairie studios!
Keepng my fingers crossed!!

Janellybelly said...

Happy 2nd Bloggy Anniversary! Come & visit Kylie & me at Also think you'll love - will do a little linky on the sidebar of our blog.
Janelle xx

Helen said...

Congrats on two years of blogging! One of my favourite blogs at the moment is:

And mine of course! :)

Marnie said...

Love yor blog- what a very generous giveaway- thankyou! blogs you might like:

and Ive just started a blog:

Anonymous said...

Hi..I just pop out from Jacquie.
I absolutely would love to win the present. Beautiful fabrics...
I tell you I had inspired to learn sewing and quilting for 2 months now after visiting and get many encouragements from those wonderful blogger women out there.

I'm going to post about your giveaway after this.

I recommend you to see and
The first one, Shelly is not making quilt but do gorgeous remaking & remodelling. And the other, Jackie is one of my online quilt teacher. i always ask her or Jacquie if I've got a problem in quilting :)

Selina said...

I've been reading your blog for a while. Love everything you make.
I love to read Soulemama's blog

Kelley said...

Love the fabric! How generous!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie Studio sent me. Lovely giveaway. Congrats on your 2 years of blogging. Lots of goodness happening at Mrs. Schmenkman Quilts.

Diane said...

Okay I want to win the fabric - Jacquie from Tallgrassstudio sent me. Thanks.

kerry said...

I love your blog! I've just stumbled onto this one, by way of the same place where I found the link to yours. Hope you enjoy!

elpf said...

Hmm. A blog you might like? I NEED those holiday cards.

MelissaS said...

Looks like I've found another kindred spirit in the fabric department. I love them all.

Come visit my blog:

I'll be adding yours to my google reader!

Lisa said...

One can never have too much fabric!!!

RebeccaMom said...

The stash of fabric looks great! Thanks for having a giveaway :)

I found out about your blog through

I'm linking you on my blog at

I haven't found any new blogs lately, but my blog and Threads of Friendship are both fairly new! I'm excited to check out some of the other recommendations here!

Stacey said...

Congratulations on keeping it up this long!! Mau sent me to your blog for the fabric giveaway, her blog is Katie, I think you should check out Eddie Ross's blog. He is also very crafty and innovative and loves to work with fabrics in reupholstering jobs. Check out his blog at

Joanna said...

Love fabric, and love giveaways, so put them both together and it's the perfect giveaway! I came here via Jackie of Tallgrass Priare Studio. I'll be back, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a fabulous giveaway! I can't tell you how fun it would be to win an entire box of fabric pieces (maybe that makes me sound sad...) Anyway, I'm new to your blog - came here from Handmade by Alissa. I'm going to go post a link on my blog right now!

Anonymous said...

I just posted about your giveaway on my blog - you can find it here -

Here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

WOw. This is a very generous giveaway. A new to me blog is

Jacquie of Tall Grassprarie Studio sent me!

Anonymous said...

Oops - just realized I was supposed to recommend a favorite blog - well, I came here via Handmade by Alissa, and I'd have to highly recommend her blog. Her quilts are just gorgeous, and there's always a new one to look at on her blog (she seems to be a mighty fast quilter!).

Rita E in AZ said...

That is very pretty fabric! here is a blog I just discovered - maybe you will also like it:

Rita E in AZ

bethmorgan said...

Love all the fabric!!!

One of my favorite blogs right now is

Rochelle said...

Love your fabric. Two years of blogging that is an accomplishment. I just made it two months. Here is a new blog for you... ... that would be my blog.


Cocoa Dreams said...

I just posted your giveaway on my blog: I am a first time visitor but I've added your blog to my favorites.

Anonymous said...


I'd love to win this fabric, as I'm ready for a change from traditional and reproduction print quilts, to something more colorful.

Susan said...

Happy 2nd year blogiversary. Very cool. My second year is coming yp this December actually. Yippeee!

The Calico Cat said...

A few days late & more than a few dollars short...

I live in montgomery Couty & did not know about the BCC craft fair...

Emily B said...

I really like and I think you might like it too. She does really neat sewing projects.
Thanks for the giveaway! I've been getting back into sewing lately and some new fabric would be inspiring!

ronit said...

Wow, what a generous offer. Your blog is new to me and great to read. To be shamelessly self-promoting, come check out my blog,

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite blogs:
which is how I found your giveaway. I'll now be checking out your site daily too!! Keeping my fingers crossed!! :)

~michelle (still don't have my own blog!)

Melanie O said...

Thank you for the generous offer! Jacquie sent me from Tallgrass Prairie Studio,, a wonderfully inspiring blog that you should check out! I'd also recommend mr. monkeysuit, for inspiration!

Lavinia said...

Hi Katie! Great giveaway, I love fabric and your selection is gorgeous! I think you might like this blog:
I´ve also posted about your giveaway in my blog ^_^
Oh! Erika from My Strawberry Patch sent me.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I want in too! Love you blog and it is visited almost daily!

Sarah said...

OOoh...pick me! Congratulations on two years!

Krista said...

I am a beginner at sewing & quilting. I was referred to you by Valerie at I just found a cool blog called

BusybeeDebQuilts said...

Congratulations on 2 years! Please enter me in your contest (just love the fabric!) ... Jacquie from Tall Grass Studio sent me.


I will mention you on my blog as well!


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic giveaway - such fun stuff to play with!

Here's one of the blogs I follow:

Count me in!

ltenhage @

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog either but I love to sew and have a sink full of dirty dishes too!

Kristen said...

Hey Katie!

Ashley from film in the fridge sent me over. I'm about to move to Chevy Chase tommorrow!

I'll post a link on my

Jennylou's Projects said...

I want a chance. :)

I also posted on my blog.

Katherine said...

Hi Katie! Happy Blogiversary!

This fabricaholic is going ga-ga over your giveaway prize. What an unbelievably generous prize! Wow!

I will post about this on my blog and for a blog you may not have been to, go visit

Fran said...

Came here through tallgrassprairiestudio.
Unfortunately don't have my own blog yet, though thinking about it. This is a new one I love:

Katherine said...

Happy Blogiversary, Katie!

This fabricaholic is going ga-ga over such a generous giveaway prize. I would love to have a chance to win.

I have posted about your giveaway over at my blog

and wanted to recommend this blog to you:

trash said...

If you are posting internationally I would love to have my name thrown in to the hat. Katherine at Sew Me Something Good sent me!

jenna said...

Hmm...I don't know how new it is, but I'm digging KittyGenius, and, this time of year, JibJab.

That fabric looks adorable!

Abbi said...

Ooh, that sounds like an amazing box filled with fabric!

I'm sure this is not a new blog, but it's new to me. I love reading this blog...

I found out about this giveaway from Katherine over at Sew Me Something Good,

And, I have posted about it on my blog, Huckleberry at

Hope the craft fair goes well!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 2nd blogiversary! and how generous you are with those great fabrics! I sure could use some fresh stuff for Christmas present making...
I linked to you here:

and one of my favorite blogs is this one:

Gwen said...

I'm fairly certain that nobody reads my blog, apart from my immediate family, but I will be posting a link to your giveaway! I didn't realize you were in the DC area. If I'd been keeping up with my reader, I'd have come looking for you at your fair on Saturday! I hope you did well! I have one coming up this Saturday; gotta get ready!

Stephanie Fazio (aka lealou) said...

wow fun! my stitching surgeon friend posted about this on her site which is how I found out about it -- check out her great site here!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I would love a chance at all that great fabric! Sewing is my new obsession I just can't get enough fabric and sewing time in a day! Congrats on 2years!


Serena said...

I came over from Film in the Fridge. Have you seen ? It is most inspiring!

Nancy said...

Come visit me!! LOVE the fabric...

Doris said...

Wow, Jacquie from Tallgrass Prairie Studio sent me. What a great giveaway. I love the same kinds of fabric! Come check out my blog when you have a

Nancy said...

Happy Anniversary! This is a monumental giveaway-I hope I win! I will hopefully be starting a blog soon; but I think you would love the Two Little Banshees at notenoughhours.blogspot. It is one of my favorites.

Me? A Mom? said...

Oh I just found your blog and I'm in love! I plan to post about this giveaway on my blog:

Winning this giveaway would be like manna from heaven, seeing as I've been on a self-imposed spending freeze as it relates to fabric. ::fingers crossed::

~Heather said...

I just added a link at - gotta increase the chances for such a sweet opportunity!
My fave site is currently:

Congratulations on your blogiversary!

Me? A Mom? said...

doh! I forgot to tell you a blog I like. You probably already visit it but I find tons of inspiration at

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness....this is so generous. I think you might like this blog:

Morgan said...

Congratulations on two years!! That fabric looks beautiful! (meaning: pick me, pretty please!)

A blog you might like:
Very entertaining!

amisha said...

happy blogiversary katie!

Di~ said...

I think you might like
and thanks for doing a giveaway! I love all those fabrics! Here's hoping to win from Idaho!

Unknown said...

Hi I am Vanessa - I would love to win all that scrumptious fabric ... I am also trying to post to my blog everyday ... just to keep track of all my WIP / UFO ... of which I have PILES as I am a grass hopper jumping from project to project.
I have loads of blogs I visit on my blog and is a favourite too.

African Kelli said...

As commenter #176, I may have a better shot of winning the lottery. That said, CONGRATS! :)

Q said...

Please enter me into your giveaway.

I think you will like

Happy Anniversary

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

Great fabrics - been following you on twitter :-)

Everyone needs to laugh and Nanny Goats in Panties makes me laugh out loud literally every time I visit

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a great giveaway. I would love to win it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great giveawy. 2 years is a long time, very well done!

Jodie said...

Firstly Congratulations on two years of blogging.

I stumbled over here from this blog

and wow, love your blog :)
Would love to win that gorgeous fabric.

My favourite blog at the moment is this one...

Jodie said...

Oh, I don't know how to create a link, but I blogged about the giveaway here

Anonymous said...

oh. oh. oh!

what a lot of goodness! i LOVE fabric and LOVE to quilt and would LOVE to win!

you might just like my blog

and i found you through Jaqui's blog.

and i will link to you tomorrow and let you know!

sarah, rsm said...

I'd love to be the lucky winner! I am suggesting my blog for it will be new to you I am sure!!

Anonymous said...

Hi I don't think I'm eligible to win as I'm an Aussie, but I wanted to say Jacquie sent me:

You probably have all the quilting blogs I visit :) but here are two blog by Aussie artists that often surprise and entertain me:

Congrats on your anniversary!

Hannah LaRue said...

We have the same taste in fabric. :) I love all of the designs you have picked out. My favorite quilting blog is She is very prolific and creates some amazing things. Best of luck at the craft fair!

Heather said...

Lovely stuff!

My blog is and it's not so much about crafting/sewing as it is about momming/living. Hope you enjoy it and hope I win!

bettyninja said...

COuld I be shameless and recommend my own blog?

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win and I'd love for you to come visit my blog!

Unknown said...

Bunny B referred me here. You have wonderful taste in fabric! I love Amy Butler too! :)

willywagtail said...

Wahoo!! What a wonderful giveawa. I shall definitely mention it on my blog although I hate the idea of having to share. ;-)0
I have just had a comment from an new to me blogger. Her address is She makes amazing textile projects and postcards. Thanks for the op. Cherrie

Kat said...

There is very little I won't do for free fabric! I don't have much going on yet at my blog, but check it out sometime in the future. I've been lurking for a while now and want to start blogging myself!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh my goodness, a box full of fabric, the ideas in my mind!! I cannot pick just blog there are so many I love to read, how about coming to mine first and see all of my favorites!

Dallas said...

Great contest. I'm going to have to go back and check out all of these links. I found your site through Film in the Fridge and Craft Farm.

I'd like to recommend She has awesome quilting projects and patterns on her site.

wigget said...

good luck at the craft fair!

Shanaka @ Mama Bee Does said...

Read about your giveaway from Alana Jo @
I've never been to your blog before but wil be a regualr visitor now. I'd love to enter your contest. To be another selfish blogger you can check out my blog

Blogged about your giveaway as well. Happy sewing!

Shanaka @ Mama Bee Does said...

Congrats on 2 years!

blogged about your giveaway here:

Becky J. said...

ok, can't remeber if i posted or not. better 2 than none. so here we go!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I found you through:

What a fantastic giveaway!

I love Crazy Mom Quilts though I'm sure you probably know her already. Her tutorials are great for a new quilter. You might like my blog too:

Anonymous said...

Congrats. You might like

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