Thankfully, my apron remained intact and clean. I made John take it off before he went near the grill. Call me crazy, but I just didn't want him to ruin my apron, even if its purpose is to protect your clothing!
I did get some sewing done and finished two bags. The red fabric is from the stash that Sarah sent me. I loooove this fabric!
These will soon probably become candles as well. I am always able to find the best teacups at my thrift store. I seriously don't know where they all come from!
Speaking of teacups, remember these? Well they'll be going into my store as well. I bought them awhile ago, but I haven't figured out what to do with them. I absolutely love, love them, but they're just taking up room in my small workspace. So, if you love them as much as I do, hop on over to the store.
And much thanks to Ms. Rebecca of Thrifty Goodness. She was my very first etsy customer. How exciting it was to see that I actually sold something! I also want to thank all of you that have given me the encouragment to open one and the good wishes for my store!
Anyway, I now have a few things in my etsy shop. I had some tealight candles, but something went wrong and I have to figure it out. Anyway, go check it out and let me know what you think!Can someone tell me how to put an etsy banner on blogger? I'm blogger challeneged!
Oh, and if you are interested in some American Girl Doll books & such, I am listing something on eBay soon. I'll let you know when it's up!