So I've come to realize if you state "goals" at New Years, you're really setting yourself up for failure. Well at least in my case I was. Pretty much what I should have said was "blog less, sew less, and don't get organized." Then I probably would have done the opposite and gotten much more accomplished. The only thing I've really sewn in the past few weeks were some more of the Dear Jane blocks. I do so love these little blocks, but they can be time consuming. Now that I've gotten most of them traced and some more aqua & red fabrics I'll be on the road to catching up.
Mostly we've just been busy. We were in NY for Christmas until New Years and just went back last week for my cousin's wedding. I love visiting home but it is hard to travel, even if it is a short trip. I finally put away the Christmas decorations in the attic. I consider that my major accomplishment for today!
There's so much more to do around the house. I would love to be sewing or knitting, but it is just plain messy around here. We have a pretty small house and I'm still trying to find room for all those new Christmas presents. And laundry, oh the laundry. I'm not sure it will ever end! Anyone have some good organizing/cleaning tips? I think I just need a maid!
Pheeww.. that was a lot of rambling. I apologize for that! I promise to be back soon with some craftier posts!