Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Cleaning Up

After reading this post over at Pink Chalk Studio, I decided I might as well jump in and try to clean up my sewing area. I've been sewing seriously for about 5 years now and my fabric stash is more like a mountain. Add to that my seemingly good luck at thrifting fabric and joining a fabric co-op, and I'm running out of room. I've spent most of the day getting some things up on eBay and I'm hoping to have some more in the next week as well. I keep finding more and more fabric. I'm beginning to feel like a squirrel that hides their nuts. Anyway, check them out if you'd like. I also listed a past issue of Marie Claire Idees. I may have some more of those laying around here. We'll see. Oh and Kathy also provided a wonderful free template for eBay too.

And have you seen this? I love this idea and I can't wait to see what they come up with! I'd love to do something like this, it seems really fun and inspiring!


  1. Everyone else is cleaning up while I'm about to post about my mess. haha I really want to try and sell off some of my fabric mountain too. Good luck!

  2. Oooh, I love that 8x8 idea too. So smart!
    And I'm all for cleaning up, reusing and gifting supplies. I try to do that regularly!
