Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Caffeine please!

Today has been one of those days that I just cannot seem to shake my fatigue. I'm about to put another pot of coffee on. Although, I'm really wishing someone would magically drive by and drop me off a case of Red Bull. Seriously. It's probably from all the running I've done with Isaiah the past two days (note to self: get in shape!). It's been almost 70 each day, very strange for this time of year here in Maryland. Although, since I've lived here, D.C. does have the weirdest weather. Anyway, we've really been enjoying this odd, warm weather, but it's making me pine for spring. I know soon we'll be back to colder weather, so I want to savor each minute of this nice warmth.

I finally finished another project today. I had been working on this bag ever so slowly. It was difficult or time consuming, I was just trying to sew neatly. I can assure you that sewing neatly is definitely not my thing. I did the little umbrella embroidery during the days I was trying to keep the "sewing" room clean. I had this notion that I would add "parapluie" somewhere but it didn't look to great. That is one of my favorite words in french. Don't ask why, but I think it just rolls off the tongue. It turned out well, cute and simple. Although it does look like it could use a good ironing (would help if I had that Red Bull!).

I also received my book today for Kelli and Finny's next sewalong. I think I placed my order on two days ago and it's already here. Better yet, I only paid a total of $7.81. If you've never used google checkout, they give you $10 off. That was a great deal! It's a beautiful book and I'm looking forward to sewing the projects. Also, the author is the Craft Lady of Steel from Craft Corner Death Match. That made me laugh, that show was hilarious!

Anyway, I can see all of you enjoyed my eBay post. I know it wasn't the most interesting of posts! I'll spare you anymore talk about that, only to say that I did list a few more things today, including some patterns and children's books.


  1. Love the new bag and that sweet embroidery!

    (I think I recognize a couple of those fabrics!)

    Your work is so pretty, Katie : )

    PR tonight!!!

  2. What a great bag Katie! I love it!

  3. I love the bag....and the little umbrella on it!

  4. What a gorgeous little bag.,..very simple but effective!

  5. The bag looks great! I am tired too today, really dragging my feet. I also ordered the sewalong book, but I didn't get your excellent discount.I can't wait to get it!

  6. Absolutely adorable bag, I love the fabrics. I just ran across a new fabric line that's in those colors and I really want some! Aghh!
    I have the book for the new challenge too, hope I can actually play along this time.

  7. that bag is adorable! I love the linen and patchwork combination.

  8. Love the bag!

    This crazy weather is killing me, too. My boys want to wear SHORTS to school! They really think spring is here. I keep telling them that winter JUST started a few weeks ago.

  9. Hope you find some energy soon. Love that adorable bag :)
