Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I finally found a few hours to finish up a project for my friend Katie. I'm afraid to admit how long ago she gave me this cushions to make new covers for, but better late than never right? (At least I hope anyway!)

It was really a simple project, most of the time was really devoted to measuring and cutting. I think usually this is the longest and most boring part of a sewing project. I just traced the existing cushions and measured the rest of the covers that Katie dropped off. I love the fabric that she chose. I think she got it at Joann's and it was from the Better Homes & Gardens line. I don't think the pictures really show the true color since it is more of a lime green. Very summery and fun. All I need to do now is press and trim some threads. Hope you like them Katie!


  1. Great job. I agree with you that the longest part is the pattern works. Sewing is then a breeze.

  2. The cushions look great. I like reading your blog and I awarded you a Kreativ Blogger Award. If you want to, you can visit my blog and copy and paste the award to yours.

  3. The cushions look great! I bet she will love them :)

  4. Yep- late is way better than never!!

  5. Yay - it must feel great to cross that off the To-Do list!! : )

  6. measuring and cutting will kill me every time! they are ever so cute though!
