Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I finally found a few hours to finish up a project for my friend Katie. I'm afraid to admit how long ago she gave me this cushions to make new covers for, but better late than never right? (At least I hope anyway!)
It was really a simple project, most of the time was really devoted to measuring and cutting. I think usually this is the longest and most boring part of a sewing project. I just traced the existing cushions and measured the rest of the covers that Katie dropped off. I love the fabric that she chose. I think she got it at Joann's and it was from the Better Homes & Gardens line. I don't think the pictures really show the true color since it is more of a lime green. Very summery and fun. All I need to do now is press and trim some threads. Hope you like them Katie!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A gift for you!
So life has been crazy since I started this class. The house is a mess, I've done absolutely no sewing, and I think I've never studied this much in my life. And this is only for one class. I think this is partly due to the fact that it is a summer class and so everything is just packed into 6 short weeks. The only other thing I've been doing besides studying (well and playing a lot of baseball with Isaiah), is swapping a lot of fabric. It's kind of getting on the obsessive compulsive side! So many cute fabrics! If you look at my post about swapping, there is a link to the flickr group. It's private now, and I think you have to ask for admission into it now. I've received a lot of my favorite Flea Market Fancy fabric from this swap and it's been so exciting to look at the mail box everyday!
Speaking of fabric, was nice enough to offer my dear blog readers a coupon for $5 off your next purchase. It is good from June 17th to June 24th, just enter "blogseekatiesew" at checkout. You could get yourself some of my newest favorite fabric Lantern Bloom by Laura Gunn. Isn't it pretty? They also have a whole section of fabrics for under $5 a yard. I highly recommend I've ordered from them in the past and they ship quickly and have so many great fabrics in stock. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
quilting bee blocks
Today I took an hour to sew and finally caught up on my blocks for my two quilting bees. This block is for Diane who is making a quilt for her 100+ year old house. I had something else in mind, but the triangles were giving me such a hard time that I had to modify the orginial design. This one is for Jenn. She asked for rectangles and squares. (I don't know why this is so blurry. I guess I was in a hurry!)
Finally, this is for Michelle who is making a sampler quilt.
I was originally going to make a block called Martha Washington, but realized I didn't have enough solid, so I modified that one as well. To see the other blocks being completed by the groups, you can check the respective flickr groups.
Now I'm back to studying for a little bit before Isaiah gets home. I already have a test on Friday!!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
eye candy
I might be sewing much these days, but at least I'll have some new fabric waiting for me when I can find the time. Right now I'm "relearning" to learn and how best to manage my time. Hopefully it'll come back to me like riding a bike. I started school on Monday and wouldn't you know that Isaiah got a fever at school and had to come home. Then Tuesday morning, John and I were unaware of their fever policy and we got a call from the school 1/2 hr after he was dropped off saying we had to come pick him up. Talk about stress! Anyway, today he's fine and has been at school all day long. Hopefully there won't be anymore problems, this class is hard enough! Just in case you want to get your own fabric, I bought it here.
Monday, June 01, 2009
a new flickr group
Oh man, I'm really slacking on the blogging lately. The month of May just flew by, it's so hard to believe it is June already! Today I started my first day of class. I'm taking one class this summer, and probably two in the fall. I'm hoping to go back to school for nursing in the Spring, so things will probably be pretty hectic for a while. Of course, because I was totally anxious about going back to school, I decided it would be a good idea to do some reorganizing. So, I moved somethings around, one being a shelf that housed all my fabric leaving my sewing room a giant mess. I picked up a new shelf at IKEA and I'm hoping that at some point this week I'll get it back together.
In the meantime, I've been dreaming about fabric. Someone pointed me to this new group on flickr that is for swapping out of print/hard to find fabric. It's called Desinger fabric stash swappy poo. Basically you can load which fabrics you are willing to swap and state what you're looking for. I just uploaded these Flea Market Fancy prints and I'm hoping to finally get a complete collection of the prints. I'm missing a few and I'd really like to get my hands on some of the brown, aqua and gray ones, just like everyone else. Anyway, feel free to join the group. There are some gorgeous fabrics in there! Hope you're all having a great beginning to your week.