Thursday, May 28, 2009


Gosh, it seems like I am barely blogging these days. It's not really that I'm that busy, it's just that I haven't really done any creating lately. Anyway, we had a great Memorial Day weekend and I think I'm still recovering from it. We had a BBQ here on Sunday that I still have dirty dishes from. I'm hoping the magic dish fairy will come finish them for me.

On Monday, my sister and I ventured out to the thrift store because everything was 50% off. There were tons of people, but I managed to find some really great stuff. I don't know about you, but whenever I see pretty dishes I have a really hard time leaving them behind. If only I needed all of them! I did pick up quite a few, but I plan on listing them all in my vintage etsy shop. I just don't have the room to keep them around but I couldn't leave them at the thrift store! I really think there needs to be a support group for this problem.

Most of these items were designed by Ben Seibel and there were a lot more of his designs at the thrift store too. I was just imagining that someone was a huge collector of his stuff and that it was given to the thrift store. I mean there was so much of it there!

At the last minute, I also found this really cute apron which I couldn't pass up. It's reversible, the one side has lace and the other has the cutest bird print fabric with blue strawberries! It even has pockets on both sides. My sister looked at me like I was crazy when I picked it up, but I still love it! I guess she doesn't appreciate aprons as much as I do. It's a terrible photo, aprons are so hard to take pictures of!

I guess I'll go finish the dishes since it seems that fairy isn't coming today. What's on your agenda for today?


  1. I think there needs to be a support group for a lot of this kind of stuff!! Have you seen the new flickr group for fabric swapping? OMG!

    I hope that link works!

    If not the name is "desinger fabric stash swappy poo!

    Take care!

  2. It was like you were taking words out of my mouth about blogging and finding time to craft.
    I too, have a hard time to leave pretty dishes behind. I created an excuse for myself, I started a collection of retro cups. Now I have a reason to buy all of them.

  3. How neat, the top stack of dishes (the wrapped ones), I love those! My husband's grandmother has a set (or maybe just a few pieces) and she always uses them for holidays. They're so cute and retro :)

  4. I love strawberries and blue ones to boot!! Great finds thrifting!

  5. I love the dishes you picked up-especially the first picture with the atomic stars! lucky finds!

  6. I love love love the retro set inthe first picture. Any chance you're selling that? My hubby would really like them for his birthday! fuzzysheepcraftsatgmaildotcom

  7. oh my goodness, my grandma has the dishes from the first picture! great find!

  8. i finished a lot of not much today. thanks for asking! i lied..i did do a few things, but that was it.

  9. I love that bowl/platter. What a great shape and design.

  10. I saw that same exact set of dishes at the top. A lot of them were chipped so I didn't get them. But they are so lovely.

  11. Katie, I am on my way back to the DC area in a few weeks. You will have to let me know where this amazing thrift store is that you speak of. Haven't lived in VA for so long, I am not sure that all my old haunts are still going to be there.

    LOVE those dishes...
