Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day

We were up by 3am. On the metro by 4. And in a crowd of very excited, enthusiastic people by 5 am. We stood in the same spot, in the freezing cold for almost 6 hours.

We became friends with our neighbors and sang songs.

We watched history being made in front of our very eyes.

We could not get on the metro after because it was too full and luckily found a cab to take us home. Our bodies ached and we were exhausted by the end of the day. But it was so worth it. An amazing experience that I will never forgot and am so blessed to have been a part of.


  1. what a thrill!!! Have you gotten your fabric?

  2. Wow - glad you had a good time!

  3. So amazing that you were THERE!!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. so so cool! thanks for sharing!

  5. How INCREDIBLE that you were there!!! Wow!!!

  6. That must have been such a thrill for you.

  7. I can awesome to be there. Wow!!

  8. Wow- I watched it all on live tv from the UK, that was exciting enough, I can't imagine what it must've been like to be there in the flesh.

  9. totally thrilling! i'm so glad you had the chance to attend. what a great day...a great beginning.

  10. i was home in the warm house watching it on tv. it was amazing, but there is just something about being there in person and living, breathing, smelling, aching, listening, and speaking 1st hand. you are pretty lucky...

  11. That is so cool that you got to be there! A story to tell the grandchildren, for sure! :)

  12. isn't it just great! we stood in line for hours to see him when he came to Sarasota just before election day!
