Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Oh Amy!

Between cleaning up my sewing area and having a sick child, there has been no sewing going on. I definitely have the urge to sew, but just haven't gotten around to it. Of course, that didn't stop me from buying some new fabrics. I remembered that I had some RME money left, so I went on etsy, searched "RME fabric" and found a seller that accepted it. I was so excited to get my hands on some of Amy Butler's new Daisy Chain line. It's probably one of my favorite AB lines yet. Cassie, of MyHeartandSew, is a great etsy seller. She set up a custom listing of 1/2 yd cuts for me and shipped super fast. I highly recommend shopping with her and she has some gorgeous fabrics in her shop right now.

Thanks for all the apple suggestions. I've been baking like crazy, but I don't think the apple supply is dwindling all that fast. I did try out the bread recipe I mentioned in the previous post and it is so good. If you like baking your own bread, you should try it out. I was also browsing around that blog (Baking and Books), and there are not one, but two recipes for Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I'm definitely going to have to try those! I can't afford to get a $4 Starbucks one everyday.

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