Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hop, skip, jump

I knew after making Autum's block that there would be more wavy seams on the way. In Kathy's tutorial, she makes reference to a baby quilt she made based on Denyse Schmidt's "Hop, Skip, Jump" pattern. Of course, I had to make one right away. Like Kathy mentioned, I did not use the templates provided in the book. I just cut a rectangle from a piece of paper (I think 13.5 x 16.5), and used my rotary cutter to make slices in it. Then I just did the same with the fabric, using the paper pieces as templates.

I also (stupidly) tried free motion quilting for the first time on this quilt. I never knew it was such a full body workout! My hands started to hurt after a few rows, so it took me longer because I had to stop and start so much. I originally intended to quilt it using bigger loops like it is in the book, but I found the smaller loops a lot easier to handle. In any case, I'm happy with the way it came out, especially for my first time using free motion. I had really been looking forward to trying it out, as it was one of the main reasons I wanted a new sewing machine. Now I know why people were those quilting gloves!Now I'm back to sewing for the craft fair this weekend. Only a few more days to go and I'm stressing about not having enough stuff and trying to finish up the final details. Ugh, I seriously don't know why I do this to myself. Hopefully it'll be a success and I'll have lots of fun. I'm just praying that it doesn't rain!


  1. I just wrote about those gloves the other day on my site. Great job with the loops, and the quilt is beautiful!

  2. I love the baby quilt! It's looks so fresh. Free motion quilting is something I only do once in a great while (the last time was 7 years ago) and I do remember it to be so time consuming.

  3. Very cool quilt. I think I have to get that book. It's killing me how neat it is!

  4. it's so cute, and your quilting is excellent for first time!

  5. i adore this! your quilting job is so fantastic! it is perfect.

  6. I can't believe that's your first time free motion quilting. The quilting looks fantastic and really makes the quilt! I use plain yellow dishwashing gloves and they work fine (a little hot), although quilting gloves might be on my Christmas list.

  7. The quilt is lovely-- and your quilting looks great! Nice work. :) Quilting gloves really are handy... but I still get worn out as I quilt bigger quilts. You're so right-- it's a workout!

  8. Good luck at the craft fair Im sure you will be a huge success. P.s. I love your quilt, I came out perfect!

  9. Oh wow, that is gorgeous!!

  10. I absolutely love this quilt!

  11. looks great! don't spend a lot of money on quilting gloves! I use some very thin gardening these Atlas...

  12. so fresh and pretty! I love your quilting.

  13. Great quilting, Katie. Very impressed. I need to try free-motion something. Being as I'm too afraid to quilt my top. I should just practice.

    I hope you have good weather this weekend. I heard it's not good for our area.

    Good luck on your show. I remember your last show you worked feverishly to make stuff for the show and it all worked out in the end. And I also remember the man who thought the doll quilt was a potholder. :-)

  14. Great job! I just made a HS&J top and have yet to quilt it -- yours looks really nice!
    The quilt gloves really make a difference -- not so much fighting with the fabric and your shoulders will feel MUCH better!

  15. what a beautiful quilt! I like your little swirly quilting. you did a great job! personally, I don't use gloves for quilting, but I've heard of plenty of people love them.

  16. Your quilting looks so cool! I agree though, the free-motion quilting really is a workout. :)

  17. It's gorgeous! I really, really love it.

    I don't enjoy free motion quilting, I can never get it perfect enough. oh, and I use gardening gloves...they're a lot cheaper than quilting gloves.

  18. I adore your quilt! The colors, ther pattern and your quilting looks great!

    I can't believe I never heard of quilting gloves! Sounds very cool!

  19. Wow, I love the free motion you did here. I never thought of doing it in rows. I just finished (but still need to bind) the first quilt I tried free motion on. Yes, the gloves make a huge difference. It's HARD! But, I am determined to master it! I love the look you did here!
