Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An explosion in the sewing room

Although I'm glad to be done with this last craft fair, I'm not looking forward to cleaning up the mess I created. I think I'm pretty brave for showing this off, but I'm sure that some of you have or have had sewing areas that look just like this. Well, at least I hope some of you do. Not only is my cutting table messy, but under the table is just as bad, if not worse.
It has even spilled onto the floor and our hutch, which was the one place I was trying to keep "clean."
I suppose it wouldn't be that bad, but since I sew in our dining room, I have to look at this everyday on my way to the kitchen. There is just no way of avoiding it. Hopefully I can put a dent in it tomorrow when Isaiah's at school. I'll probably find some fabrics that I forgot I had. That's always exciting.

I've also been updating my shop, so there are a few new items and more to come. There are also pictures up on my flickr site of things that are not yet in the shop. If you're interested, just e-mail me and I'll get them up there for you.


  1. Ha! Mine looks the same after EVERY project. And yes, mine is also in my dining room. Argh! Creating is just messy. ;)

  2. Gee, I feel right at home! Good luck with the cleaning.

  3. Wow, I no longer feel too bad about my own sewing space. However, I wish it was full of projects instead of boxes we still don't know where should be stored. I love that you actually posted the pictures.


  4. Ha!! My stuff is scattered all over the house!! I'm in the process of setting up a sewing corner in my basement. Since you were brave enough to post your pictures, maybe I'll post before, during and after pictures of this project!

  5. You are brave to show those photos! My dining room (i.e. sewing room) gets to that point frequently as well. I'm happy that I just happened to stumble upon your blog, very cute things!


  6. Yes - my room often looks just like that!! Haven't JUST moved where I sew it's currently all tidy but I know it won't last for long... Good luck with cleaning up and I hope you find lots of fabric surprises!

  7. I have to tidy after EVERY project, because my sewing space gets cluttered easily.

    Turn on some great music, get a cup of coffee and try to make your cleaning up fun!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Katie! : )

  8. Yep. I recognize this. Nice to know I'm in such creative company! Every so often I have to stop the creative process and bring out my organizing skills to get things back to where I can find them. I actually think the freedom to make a bit of chaos helps with the creative process. LOL

    Happy tidying!

  9. wow, if you saw my craft closet though i think you might feel better. he he

  10. I just stumbled upon your blog...I love your stuff. Your wristlets are too cute! I look forward to reading more. :)

  11. WOW! I thought mine was messy!

  12. So happy to see a fellow sewer! When you get going it's not worth it to clean as you go, you just have to do it! But when it gets really bad I can't even find the inspiration to sew in there. So I clean it and that is part of the fun. Besides, it is the only mess in my house that is ALL MINE. I am constantly cleaning up after everyone else. The mess in my sewing room doesn't bother me as much as every other room.

    I think I may just blog about that!

    Oh, and when you are preparing for a craft fair, Forget it! It is too crazy until you are done and take pictrues of the left overs! LOL

    I love your blog! Glad to find it!
