Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Our April Fool's

Yesterday was John's birthday. If you know John in the least, you'd know that April Fool's is a very fitting birthday for him. It just makes me laugh to think that it's his birthday. He is such a fool (in a good way, of course).

Anyway, it was a gorgeous day, and I know John enjoyed his birthday. We headed into D.C. to eat at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. We were able to sit outside and drink margaritas, something I've been waiting to do all winter! After dinner, we walked to a cute park down the street and let Isaiah run wild.

Then a quick trip to see the Cherry Blossoms. I really love this time of year here, but there are just waaaay too many people. I'm sure that it was a lot worse during the day. Anyway, I tried to take some pictures, but apparently the flash on my camera no longer works. It was disappointing, but it may just mean I'll have to take another trip during the day to see them. I was able to snap this picture of the Jefferson Memorial. It's by far my favorite memorial in D.C.

Above is the picture of Isaiah "helping" me make John's favorite dessert. He loves trifles. This one had yellow cake, chocolate pudding, whipped cream, and crushed butterfingers. Not my first choice for a birthday cake (I love ice cream cake!), but he loved it, and it's all gone now.

It's back to work now. There's a lot of sewing to be done. Hopefully I can get something achieved while ignoring the piles of laundry that need to be folded!


  1. glad you enjoyed your day. that sounds like so much fun!

  2. Hapde Burfday to John, who I hope is feeling well these days.

    And look at that gorgeous baby!

  3. Happy Birthday John! Sounds like a great day. I've got a niece with an April Fools birthday too and she's quite the funny gal - maybe it comes with the day.

  4. What a cute little kitchen helper you have.

  5. Sounds like a great way to spend a birthday. Happy belated birthday, John.

  6. Sounds like a blissful birthday...margaritas outside, perfect! Cutie patootie helper there!
