Thursday, March 27, 2008


I'm finally getting back in the swing of things. We had a nice extended trip to Rochester to visit my sister and other family. And boy was it cold! I think my sister wanted to kill me for all the complaints of the weather. Although I felt especially validated in my complaints after coming home to 60 degree weather from the 30's we had felt when we left!

John has off from work this week and I'm trying to catch up on some much needed sewing. I have a craft fair in less than a month that I am totally unprepared for! It always seems that my brain goes into overdrive when I need to sew, making it more difficult to actually sew. Does that make sense?
I also need to tackle this mess in my sewing room. I can probably attribute my lack of productiveness to this. But, this is how I work best. I need to see all my fabrics out, be inspired by them, and then put them all away at once. And of course, repeat that cycle again. Anyone else do the same? I hope I'm not the only one ;)

Alright, I'm off to take advantage of having daddy home during the day. Hopefully I can get some things accomplished!


  1. Good luck getting prepared for the show! I know you'll have everything ready in time. Where is the craft show, in MD?

  2. no, it's not just you! although i never put it in those words, and blame my lack of crafting/cleaning time - i'm a total crafting slob.

  3. My room is such a disaster and I blame it again on "I have too much crap!". I'm back into "use what you have" mode to try and deal with the mess I've created!

  4. Welcome back! I make a messy mess when I'm busy with a project too, so you're not alone.
    Good luck producing things for the show.

  5. No, you're definitely not the only one with this problem. I don't have shelves for my fabric, so everything gets put into storage containers for neatness. Problem is that when everything is neat I can't see what I have. I do get some gentle teasing with the messiness that come with the necessity of spreading out the fabrics so I can be inspired. Oh well. It's more important to be creative than tidy, isn't it? ;o)

  6. Good luck - I have to admit my sewing room looks incredibly similar. And I just spent half a day filing and throwing out all of our papers that I haven't dealt with for the past two years. I'm definitely not anyone to come to for organizing advice!

  7. If I am any indication to whether you are normal you are BEYOND normal! I too have an issue of lack of motivation when I should be the most motivated!!!

  8. I work in a fairly tight space - so I usually have to clean after every project. It gets messy quick! You're not alone : )

  9. I spend all of my time cleaning up the mess so I can sew and never get to the sewing. Ha!

  10. Been there! Hope you made some good progress today, Katie.

  11. You are not alone! My sewing / craft room is usually a catch all for the house... I have tons and tons of fabrics all over the place from sorting through them to find the perfect piece and then the perfect lining...
    I can't seem to throw any good piece of fabric out... I always think i will need it some day.

    good luck on your show ! May the weather be sunny and warm and the crowds large.

  12. I can't bear the cold either and am lucky to be living in a place where the temperatures are now in the 80s. Even in the summer when it's 100 or more, I'm such a happy person to be warm.

    Best of luck on your craft fair projects. I'm trying to decide what to make for a craft fair fundraiser for the Special Olympics. My sister and I are manning a table for it on April 19 and I've still no clue as to what to make to help them. Oh dear!

  13. Well, MY sewing room is ALWAYS spotless. Every time I take something out I put it away carefully immediately, carefully folding it and placing it in exactly the right place each and every single time. Well ... except for the safety pins, minky, yards of fabric, 5" squares, scraps, buttons, ribbons, threads, and pins all over the floor. Truth be told, more often than not I can't walk in the sewing room without going over or around piles of crap. My solution, when it gets bad enough, is to have the kids clean it ... keeps them busy and they actually do a pretty good job.

    Good luck with the show!

  14. Oh I do the exact same thing! :) I do work best when I start out with it clean though, so that I can make a mess with all my fabrics.

  15. LOL I get everything out, stare at it, complete nothing and then just leave it there. :)

    Good luck with the craft show! Is it in MD? I'll be down visiting like 3 weekends in the mext month, maybe I'll be there!! Email me!
