Monday, February 25, 2008

Finished Blocks

After knitting all week, I finally took my sewing machine out from hiding. I had shoved it (literally) under a table a few minutes before guests arrived last week for Isaiah's birthday party. I hadn't missed it much, until I realized that I made a permanent dent in our couch while knitting, and it was then I decided it was time to sew again. This afternoon I finished up the last of the blocks for the quilt-along. Now is the hard part deciding how to put it together. Amanda's way looks very nice, but I'm not sure I want to cut up so many squares! I think I'll ponder it for a few days before I do anything else. There are some nice layouts in the flickr group, but it still is so hard to decide. I may just cave in and do it Amanda's way, but we'll see. Sometimes it hard being such an indecisive person!


  1. this looks great. i do love the way amanda did hers. i can not wait to see what you decide. this quilt is wesome.

  2. Amanda's sashing instructions were helpful to break up the quilt blocks. I'm doing it her way, but will be watching blogs for other options. It looks good so far.

  3. All those little tiny squares on Amanda's border reminds me of cutting all those squares for that fabric swap. LOL

  4. That looks really nice, Katie. I can't wait to see if completely finished.

  5. Great job Katie, your blocks look wonderful!

  6. Great job on your blocks, Katie! I also love the way Amandajean put her quilt top together but I'm doing the same as you at this point with my blocks. Looking at them and pondering over how I will finish them. I wonder what we will decide on?

  7. your blocks look great! If you don't want to do all those little squares, you could do solid borders instead, then maybe one little square border on the outside. all those squares are pretty tedious, so if you do use them, break it up over several days, or you may consider pitching your quilt out the window. :) (I know I did.)
