Friday, December 14, 2007

Martha and Giveaway Day #2

Isaiah and I took a nice trip to K-mart this morning in search of a star for the top of our Christmas tree. I didn't have any luck (and didn't have any at target last night), but I did walk away with some of the cutest ornaments. I swear I could've bought them all, but I restrained myself and only bought with a few. Actually, I was going to get two more for myself, but for some reason they weren't ringing up at the register. I just love these folk inspired ornaments. The bird didn't want to cooperate for the photo shoot. I may have to hit up the day after Christmas sale.

And the moment you have all been waiting for, the winner of giveaway #1 is:

#16 Geek + Nerd (Please e-mail me your address

For today's giveaway, I thought I'd share my love of Martha and offer these two gorgeous ornaments I picked up today. I looove them, but I'm afraid of tiny grabby hands around the tree. I thought someone should have them! You'll have until tomorrow to leave a comment and I'll announce tomorrow with giveaway #3.


  1. Those embroidered ornaments are fabulous! Great find!

  2. all those ornaments are beautiful!

  3. What great ornaments! I'll have to keep an eye out for them the next time I'm shopping in the States which weather permitting, should be tomorrow!

  4. Isn't her stuff to die for this year at Kmart? I showed too little restraint!LOL

  5. the wreath ornament is beautiful

  6. Those folk inspired ornaments are lovely! It makes me wish we had a Kmart nearby :)

  7. put my name in the hat!

  8. I may have to hit up Kmart the day after Christmas! I love the ornaments!


  9. Love the folk ornaments! (one of my new-year resolutions is to learn more about felting! so perhaps I cna make myself a set like those next year!)

  10. I'm probably too late for the giveaway, but I love all those ornaments. I wish we had a KMart anywhere near us.
