Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's never too late for a Halloween post!

Now that Halloween was like, oh say, almost a month ago, I thought I'd post a picture of Isaiah dressed to the nines. I tried to get him to wear a panda costume that my MIL had made for her kids, but he was not into it. So, a greaser he was. A perfect outfit for a little toddler who didn't want any costume. Jeans, white shirt, and a thrifted leather jacket.
He loooooooved having mousse in his hair. It was so crazy. I actually had to hide the bottle because he kept walking around with it trying to put it in his hair. Ugh, I hope I didn't start something there. He was a little apprehensive about the whole trick or treating thing, but once he realized he was getting something out of it, there was nothing stopping him. He got some good things too (and I should know, I ate most of it). He wouldn't say "trick or treat", so we had him knock and say "pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaasee." It was so cute. Anyway, just thought I'd share since I have nothing better, or crafty to blog about. I'll be making two pies tonight, and will be preparing for some heavy cooking tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!


  1. He's too cute! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. What a cutie pie!

  3. No, it's never too late for photos of that cutie pie.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  4. He looks great! What a clever costume : )

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  5. He is too funny! What a great, original costume.

  6. He's absolutely precious!

  7. He is so adorable! Very cute hair and costume.

    Happy Thanksgivng
