Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pay It Forward

I've seen these around blogland and I was happy when Raesha posted hers, so here it goes:

“PAY IT FORWARD. The first three people that leave a comment and pledge to pay it forward to three others on their blog will receive a handmade gift from me within one year (July 25, 2008) of this posting. I will read your blog and get the essence of who you are to come up with an idea.”

Hopefully it won't take me a year! Anyway, have at it, and I will ship internationally for anyone that wants to do this.

I'm off to the beach for the day!! Have a great weekend.


  1. Oh my goodness! I found your blog by playing bloggy leap frog this morning (click on a link in one of my favorite blogs... click on a link in THAT blog... click on a link in THAT blog....etc.)

    Your work is wonderful. I would love to play PIF with you.... It's kind of like GiFTy leapfrog!
    ; )

    I hope you had fun at the beach.

  2. Oh m'gosh, I'm the first!!!

  3. Lol! Maybe not...

  4. Hey, Katie! I have just recently found your blog and I really like this idea...I'm off to post it to mine!

  5. Alright Katie! Sign me up! I think I'm the first to comment but just in case let me know and I'll post it up on my blog ASAP!


  6. I would love to be one of your three:):)

  7. Hi Katie, I got your link from Raesha's blog. I want to play.

    The basket of goodies you sent Raesha are so wonderful!!

  8. I will make the pledge and promise to Pay it Forward!

    What a concept!


  9. This is a great idea. I'm going to do the same thing!

  10. What a fun idea! I'm a novice crafter, with what little spare time I have. I will be posting this on our baby blog!

