Thursday, June 07, 2007

A Challenge for You!

When I walk into my "sewing room" I am so overwhelmed with fabric that it's almost hard to choose a fabric to use. When Karyn suggested that she needed to go on a fabric diet, I thought, well dangit, me too! So we have been e-mailing back and forth the last few days, coming up with a challenge to pose to all of you. I present to you the "Use What You Have, Stash Buster, I Will Not Buy Anymore Fabric No Matter How Dirt Cheap It Is" Challenge. Here are the "Rules."

1. You enter buy joining our group on flickr. You can post your projects there as you finish them. This will be the "official" sign up place
2. The challenge will last until the end of July
3. You should try not to buy any new fabric, but necessary sewing supplies, such as thread and interfacing are allowed
4. All types of sewing projects are welcomed, so enter anything that you've created using your stash
5. There will be a prize given at the end from things Karyn and I have made. Each time you enter a project, your name will be added to the pot. So, if you show us 20 projects, that's 20 entries for you to win something fabulous from us!
6. Feel free to post about this challenge on your blog.

If someone is smart enough and willing to make an icon for us, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated!

Now, Karyn, did I forget anything? Happy Sewing!


  1. What a great challenge! BTW, I tagged you to share your current to-do list. :)

  2. Perfect!!!!

    I will post the challenge on my blog later today as well (as well as my confession).

    Just watch that Lera!! She's likely to go fabric shopping online and cheat!!!! *kidding Lera*

    I can't wait to start posting projects to Flickr!!

  3. Hmm, I'll have to think about this one. Good thing I just picked up a whole slew of vintage pillow cases today :)

  4. I should try this! I don't sew much but I still buy fabric (???) and it'a about time I used it for something. I do use fabric in some hand sewn craft projects like my teacup pin cushions. Do they count?

    I'd be happy to try to whip up an icon, what are you calling the challenge?

  5. Oh yay! I have stuff to post and am now excited to try other things.

  6. I am so in!

    (also, you two are geniuses)

  7. You are right, what was I thinking.

  8. What?!?!?

    Am I known as a cheater?!?!?!?

    Does shopping online for fabric count as cheating?? REALLY??? (just kidding)

  9. OK,OK I'm in. After resisting for a couple of days, I got to sewing today and realized I am totally overwhelmed by my fabric stash! This should be fun!
