Thursday, April 19, 2007

Decisions, Decisions

For all you jealous thrifters, I shop at the Value Village in Adelphi, Maryland. From what I understand, this VV is not related to the ones in the Northwest and Canada. It is by far the best thrift store I've ever been to. They always have fabric, patterns, and notions, and get even more on a daily basis. So if you're ever in the area, I definitely recommend stopping there.

My birthday is next week, so I'm thinking that maybe I can get myself a special fabric treat. Remember how I gushed about the Denyse Schmidt fabrics? I'm trying to decide which ones I should get and from where. I know a lot of you have this fabric, so I'm wondering which ones you like best. I haven't actually seen them in person, but I'm hoping they're as pretty as I'm dreaming them to be. It's hard to pick favorites, but I think these might be the ones.

Also, what are your favorite on-line fabric stores? I'm just too lazy to search out a store around here that actually sells these fabrics. Driving around the D.C. area is no fun and I'd like to avoid that. So, anyone have good suggestions where I can get a good deal? I promise after I get these fabrics I'll stop posting about how much I love them! hee hee... Oh by the way, I saw one of the in the new MSL. I'm such a Martha stalker.


  1. Okay, MS Jr.

    I don't have any of that fabric and I haven't seen them in person, so I am really no help at all.

    When is your birthday?

  2. I like the flowers on blue. It is such a pretty fabric! Online, I'm partial to,, and (not sure if it has that line or not).

    When's the big B-day?

  3. Hancocks of Paducah sells them for $8.50 a yard. Sew Mama Sew sells them for $8.95 a yard. HOWEVER, I dont think I saw all those prints in just one place.

    (But I really prefer to see my fabric in person so I can judge the colors better and so can I test run them together.)

  4. I saw these yesterday at a fabric/craft store. They are as cute in person as they are online. Unfortunately, my favorite shop isn't stocking them, not sure why. I made a backpack out of the last collection of these fabrics, in brown gold & teal. Very pretty.
    Good luck.
    btw - my favorite online fabric stores are and

  5. I like the green one. I have NO good fabric source in Canada, so I ended up buying mine off of Ebay. I'm sure you can get a better deal somewhere else, I just don't know where. I can't wait to get my hands on Denyse Schmidt's new fabric!

  6. Have you been to G Street Fabrics? I visited when I was in the area to see some friends. HUGE. Overwhelming. They have a huge wall of "clearance" and a room full of buttons. I found most stuff expensive, but then I am used to buying $1 yard thrifted fabrics. I googled your thrifting location thinking maybe I could check it out, but you're at the top of the beltway and that is a little far away for me. Even if I visit friends in Rockville.

    PS. I am thinking about getting that green fabric to make a skirt.

  7. I don't think you can go wrong with any of those fabrics!

    In addition to the fabric stores mentioned, I also buy from and

  8. You are right, my local VV here in the NW is very disappointing. In fact, I was in there on Wednesday and left empty-handed. I might try Goodwill tomorrow.

    I can't help with the fabrics, although they look yummy.

    And I love Martha too. I watch her show every day, although I do ff through some sections.

  9. I agree - I bet they are all great in person.

    I like, too and purlsoho and There is also for fabrics from all around the world : )

    Be sure to show us what you make with your fabric! : )
