Friday, March 30, 2007

Oh What A Night...

Last night, after putting Isaiah to bed, I made myself dinner and a very nice and well deserved margarita. Halfway through the second one, I thought I'd check on Isaiah. I went into his room (and it was probably the tequila thinking), and thought "hmm I don't remember putting that many toys in his bed." Then I smelled something funny, turned on the light, and realized he had thrown up everywhere, crawled through it, and gone back to sleep! Ahh.. major mom moment. I felt soo bad, so I woke him up and starts saying "what? what? what?" (BTW he has never said what before!) Anyway, I clean him up, bring him downstairs to give him so water. He was walking around and playing while I was talking to my sister in law. Then he starts to cough again, and throws up all over me, the couch and our new carpet! So, if you're counting, this would be changed of clothes #2. A few minutes after changing him, he threw up again! Change the clothes, again, which turns out not to be an easy task because most of his clothes were either dirty or wet in the wash. Meanwhile, I'm trying to call my husband at job #2 to see if he could come home, but he was really busy and couldn't. So, I decided to drive to the nearest 24 hr CVS, Isaiah in tow, which just happens to be in College Park. All the kids are going to the bars and here I am bringing my sick 1 year old child to CVS. Ha!

Of course, I start to feel sick, so Isaiah and I pass out in bed, coughing sporatically throughout the whole night. Hubby had to go to work this morning, but luckily he was able to come home around 11:30. I slept most of the day, as did Isaiah, and I think we're both feeling a little better. Although Isaiah started crying as soon as hubby had to go to work again tonight, but, that wasn't anything a little ice cream couldn't cure!

So tonight, I may get around to sewing. Last night I had started making so more baskets, figuring maybe the margaritas would help, but apparently Isaiah had some other plans.

Anyway, I thought having a giveaway would make me feel better. It will be six sample fabrics from a bunch that I picked up from the thrift store. Each is about 9 x 7 inches, big enough to do some applique, scrap work, or you can fold one in a half to make a pouch. I have not washed them, or taken off the stickers, so if you win, you'll have to do that. Anyway, just leave a comment and I'll choose the winner monday or tuesday (probably tuesday haha). Happy weekend all.


  1. oh, you've had a yucky past couple of days. there is nothing in this world that i hate more than barf. everyone who has to clean it, smell it, look at it, or anything to do with it gets my complete sympathy.

    hope everyone gets back to 100% soon.

  2. Oh gosh you did have a time of it so sorry to hear your tale. I am glad you and Isaiah are feeling better. I hope your weekend progresses better then last night did!

    Take care

  3. Oh what a night is right!

    I am in awe of your persistence with those baskets... I too have had the odd Martha project that didn't turn out no matter how long I worked at it. Do you suppose she throws in the occasional impossible "zinger" just to keep us all humble? ; )

    Have a great weekend! Jenn : )

  4. You poor thing! I hope you're feeling better. I agree, nothing's worse than puke!

  5. Oh my gosh, what a night!! You haev such a good attitude about a rotten night! I feel for ya.

  6. Oh, dear, I remember those days. Specifically an incident with a dirty diaper...
    Hope you're feeling better.

  7. Oh, Katie! I hope tonight is better for you both. Big hugs to you!

  8. I haven't had the full on throw up sick baby yet I am not looking forward to it (especially after reading about the night you had!)

  9. I think the smell of vomit would make me do the same. And then that would be a huge mess! Uhg! I hope things are back to normal now.

  10. I hope everyone is feeling better, it sounds like you've had a rough few days!! I've had the pleasure of my son throwing up in my fault for laying on the bed and me playing airplane with him, I must have had play time too soon after feeding him and I had him right above my face when next thign you know...wham...right on my eye, face and in my nose!! Lesson learned!

