Thanks for all the love and support. You guys are awesome! Isaiah and are I doing pretty well, all things considered. Life just continues on really. I "just" have to learn to cope without John. I have my ups and downs but I know John would just want us to be happy and enjoy life! A few weeks ago we celebrated Isaiah's 5th birthday. I cannot believe he is 5! It's crazy. This also happens to be my 400th post. Lots of milestones going on around here.

We had a big party for Isaiah. He requested a sport themed party of course and asked for a stadium cake. I was happy to oblige and made one for him. It was a lot of work but it was totally worth it. We also lucked out on a relatively warm day for February and we able to have the kids play outside on a blow-up sports thingy (I don't really know what to call it). They really enjoyed it. I was nervous about the weather because last year we had a huge storm right before his party. But, everything worked out this year and I'm sure John has something to do with that.

I've been catching up on some sewing and I hope to show it off in the next week. I've been obsessively listening to Adele's new album and Mumford & Sons. Amazing music. Check them out if you haven't already. Well, enjoy your weekend! I'll be running (and walking) 5 miles tomorrow morning. More on that soon!
what a fun cake!! Looks life everyone had a really good time :)
Sounds like a fun party - and that cake looks so yummy (I'm a sucker for sprinkles)!
I love how the people in the stadium are sprinkles. Super cute!
From what my grieving friends have shared with me, time is really the only thing that helps the heart. People say silly things to try and help console you but words can be thoughtless sometimes even if they are well meaning. I can't wait to see some of your new sewing projects and I'll have to check out the music you suggested. That's why Napster is amazing.
Wow Katie - that cake is impressive! Sounds like a fabulous 5th birthday party!
We lost my youngest brother right before Christmas, and Mumford and Sons has been a huge comfort to me too! Glad you guys had a good time. I am thinking lots about you!
5? seriously? how did that happen?
Happy Birthday, Isaiah!
great cake! looks like a fun day- life does go on doesn't it? congrats on the sewing a bit too :)
what an awesome cake! lucky boy to have you for a mom.
I haven't checked in for a while. A few months later, I hope things are okay for you two. This is such a rough period. Take care.
PS I've been obsessively listening to both those albums too!
Just thinking of you and Isaiah. Holidays can be so hard; I hope you have some sweet memories keeping you warm and helping you get through.
with love,
Just thinking of you and Isaiah. Holidays can be so hard; I hope you have some sweet memories keeping you warm and helping you get through.
with love,
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